Saturday, January 31, 2009

The To Do List

Boy, do I love a To-Do list. I love to create them, do the stuff, and then (the best part) – cross it off. I don’t just dash a line through the item, I add a flourished “OK” – awarding myself a graphic pat on the back. Then I smugly contemplate the completed tasks. The smug contemplation bit is first-runner-up for Best Part of a To Do List – trust me.

It all makes me feel sooo in control…so orderly…so…so…well, like I totally have my act together. Truth be told, when I entertain that notion, I’m renting a bungalow in Fool’s Paradise. I am only a wee bit organized, at best. Know Thyself. But shaping my life around a detailed and beautifully annotated (I must say) Worddoc really does help me prioritize and execute. And almost as important – feel more like Cathleen Black and less like Lucy Ricardo.

I’m also a huge fan of the Franklin Day Planner, and have used that for years too. I love deciding if tasks are worthy of an A or just a C. I got myself the e-version, which integrates Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Successful People and coaches you in all your life roles within the framework of Outlook. (Who could ask for more?). These Franklin Covey folks are the gurus of time management and productivity. However, they do dictate the use of just the one system –theirs - and would frown on my supplementing with an additional list. Hey, what do they know. I ain’t giving it up. So, attached to its blue plastic clipboard it sits on my desk, on top of the leather bound planner.